Exhibition period SPRING 2026 DEADLINE 16.03.2025
EAST is a gallery space and art rental shop maintained by The Artists’ Association of South Karelia and The Finnish Jewellery Art Association. It is situated in Lappeenranta, South-East Finland. In the exhibition programme contemporary jewellery plays a special role. Art Center East is open from Tue-Fri 11-17 and Sat 11-14 (during the week exhibition is changed the gallery is closed on Tuesday, also Public Holidays will chance opening hours slightly).
You can apply for exhibition time for following months: January-June 2026. You can apply either space, Gallery RIUTTA or Gallery ROIKKA, or both. Exhibition time is 4 weeks and it contains the time for building up and taking down the exhibition. Gallery rent: 585 euros one gallery space (Roikka or Riutta), and 1080 euros both spaces. If you are a member of either association, prices are 420 euros / one space, 800 euros both spaces. Selling provision is 30 %.
Gallery rent contains:
-supervision of the exhibition
-printable posters
-sending invitations by email and social media
-contacting the press
You can apply the exhibition time with informal application which contains plan for the exhibition, curriculum vitae and 4-7 pictures of your work. If you want a specific time for the exhibition (for example February 2026) or specific gallery space (for example you want to apply only to Gallery Riutta), mention this in your application. The application must be sent as one .pdf file, sized maximum 7Mt. Name the application “Firstname_Lastname_application_spring_2026”. The deadline for applications is 16th of March 2025.
Working committee for choosing the exhibitions has members from both associations.
The decisions will be made by 23rd of March 2025. Send the application to the address: (.pdf file size max 7 Mt)
Floor plan, pictures and information: See right.
For further information contact:
Gallery Roikka is excellent space for sculptures, three dimensional art and paintings. All together the length of the walls is 17,5 m, the longest solid wall is 11 m. The walls have hanging rails in the ceiling. Connecting art pieces directly to the wall is possible but has to be negotiated beforehand. Opposite to the longest wall there is a big window, in front of the window there is a low white table, depth 1 m. Gallery Roikka has ca. 56 square meters and the height of the room is 3,15 m.
Gallery Riutta is a square space with 46,5 square meters and suitable for different kinds of art. Hanging rails are available with every wall, altogether there is 16 m wall spaces. Items can be connected directly to the wall but this has to be negotiated beforehand. Also this space has a big window and in front of it white low tables with depth of 75 cm. Height of the space is 3,3 m and it can be darkened.

The Art Rental Store of Lappeenranta.

Contact information
Taidekeskus ITÄ
Valtakatu 66
53100 Lappeenranta
(Parking at the end of the building or in front of the Art Centre.)
Info 0400 313 824
For Artists
To Media
Facebook – Taidekeskus Itä
Press material (coming later!)
South Carelian Art Society | FB
Korutaideyhdistys | FB | IG
Kaakon Taidelainaamo | FB | IG

Opening hours
Exhibitions and the art rental shop:
Mon: closed.
Tue-Fri: klo 11–17
Sat: 11-14
Sun: closed.
During the exhibition changes the galleries are closed, but the art rental shop remains open.
Art Centre East is closed on the following holidays and their eves: New Years Day (1.1.) Easter weekend (Fri-Mon), First of May, Midsummer-weekend (Fri-Sun), Independence Day (6.12.) and on Christmas (23.-26.12.).